DEVELOPED FOR MOTiF™ PD-1/PD-L1 Panel: Auto Lung Cancer Kit 50 Slides

Biosciences has developed a rules-based phenotyping algorithm for use in inForm when analyzing multiplex-immunofluorescence slides stained with Akoya’s
MOTiF™ PD-1/PD-L1 Lung Panel Kit. This biomarker panel for lung cancer
contains the 6 most clinically relevant markers and can be utilized to
understand immune infiltration in the face of a PD-L1 blockade. The algorithm
includes pre-defined marker-dye pairings and rules for excluding non-biological
marker co-positivity.
MOTiF™ PD-1/PD-L1 Panel: Auto Lung Cancer Kit 50 Slides
MOTiF™ PD-1/PD-L1 Panel: Auto Lung Cancer Kit 50 Slides
- Markers: FoxP3, PD-L1, PanCK,
PD-1, CD8, CD68
- Tissue Type: Lung
The Pre-Developed Polaris imaging protocol includes exposure times optimized for use with the MOTiF™ PD-1/PD-L1 Panel: Auto Lung Cancer Kit 50 Slides.
The Pre-Developed Polaris imaging protocol includes exposure times optimized for use with the MOTiF™ PD-1/PD-L1 Panel: Auto Lung Cancer Kit 50 Slides.
- Install MOTiF PD-1-PDL1 20x Polaris imaging protocol onto your Polaris computer from the following link:
MOTiF PD-1-PDL1 20x.ppr - Save file to the Vectra Polaris Study Folder associated with tissues stained using the MOTiF™ PD-1/PD-L1 Panel: Auto Lung Cancer Kit 50 Slides
- Open Polaris software and load protocol in the "Edit Protocol" window
The Pre-configured Rules-based Lung Cancer algorithm is ONLY compatible with the latest inForm version 2.4.10 release.
The Pre-configured Rules-based Lung Cancer algorithm is ONLY compatible with the latest inForm version 2.4.10 release.
- Install
inForm version 2.4.10 onto your computer from the following link:
inForm 2.4.10 - Down the Pre-configured
Rules-based Lung Cancer algorithm from the following link:
MOTiF PD-1-PDL1 Rules Phenotyping - Lung Algorithm
Guidance for how to use the Pre-configured Rules-based Lung Cancer algorithm can be downloaded from the following link:
Guidance for how to use the Pre-configured Rules-based Lung Cancer algorithm can be downloaded from the following link:
MOTiF PD-1-PDL1 Rules Phenoptyping - Lung.ifp
The Pre-configured Rules-based Lung Cancer algorithm developed by Akoya includes the following processing steps:
The Pre-configured Rules-based Lung Cancer algorithm developed by Akoya includes the following processing steps:
- Prepare Images (Spectral Unmixing)
- for use with either synthetic or user-generated libraries
- Segment Tissue (AI-enabled Trainable Classifier)
- optional and can be removed if you do not need it. Keep in mind that some
phenoptrReports functionality (like cell density calculation) requires tissue
segmentation results.
- Segment Cells (Adaptive Cell Segmentation)
- Phenotype Cells (Rules-Based Phenotyping).
- If desired, a Scoring step can be added
The output variables obtained from this algorthim are:
- Identifies regions of Tumor, Non-tumor, and Other (non-tissue
- Reports the area of each tissue region
- Segments individual cells into their nuclei, cytoplasm and
membrane compartments
- Reports fluorescent signal presence (above a threshold) within
each cell's cellular compartment
- Reports the measurement of fluorescent intensities within each
cell’s cellular compartment
- Identifies the location of the following cellular phenotypes:
CD68+ - Reports the prevalence (number and
density) of each phenotype within each individual tissue region
Tissue analysis
results are output in .csv table for downstream data analysis using phenoptrReports